1.Software engineer:
Software engineering is the process of analyzing user needs and designing, constructing, and testing end user applications that will satisfy these needs through the use of software programming languages. It is the application of engineering principles to software development.

2.Computer engineer
Computer engineering refers to study that integrates electronic engineering with computer sciences to design and develop computer systems and other technological devices.

3.Electrical engineer
An electrical engineer is someone who designs and develops new electrical systems, solves problems and tests equipment. They study and apply the physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetism and electronics to both large and small scale systems to process information and transmit energy.

4.Mechanical engineer
Mechanical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies the principles of Mechanics and Materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools.

5.Industrial engineer
Industrial engineers find ways to eliminate wastefulness in production processes. They devise efficient systems that integrate workers, machines, materials,information, and energy to make a product or provide a service. Industrial engineers need a bachelor's degree, typically in industrial engineering.

6.Plane engineer

Aeronautical engineers work with aircraft. They are involved primarily in designing aircraft and propulsion systems and in studying the aerodynamic performance of aircraft and construction materials. They work with the theory, technology, and practice of flight within the earth's atmosphere.


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