1.To think strategic
An educator has to think strategic.Educator gives information and knowledge,and this is not easy as it seems.While educator teaches,He/she tries to be focused by his/her learners and it is hard.Also an educator pushes the limits against  lots of difficulties.

2.To be professional about teaching

An educator understands needs of education and fulfills its needed.So, an educator has to know how to analyze something.While he/she teaches ,educator can face with a problem.And educator solves easily this problem.

3.To make project
In fact, an educator makes progress with his/her projects.And the education is not enough without great projects.making project is really good method to teach something .

4.To make difference

Every educator has a goal and he/she works on the way of this.For example a normal teacher who just wants to earn money cannot continue more than to be officer.And Educator can change lots of thing on the world,because education and information is builder of future.

5.To educate

Educating is more than teaching.A teacher can give information and knowledge as teach, but educating builds person and makes his/her future.Educating is not done just as give information.Educating is done as care, as be interested .


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